Thursday, December 29, 2011

"Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they do when they stick together." - Verna M. Kelly

The Frosted Pane 

by Evaleen Stein

When I wakened, very early,
     All my window-pane was pearly
With a sparkling little picture traced in lines of shining white;
     Some magician with a gleaming
     Frosty brush, while I was dreaming,
Must have come and by the starlight worked through all the quiet night.
     He had painted frosty people,
     And a frosty church and steeple,
And a frosty bridge and river tumbling over frosty rocks;
     Frosty mountain peaks that glimmered,
     And fine frosty ferns that shimmered,
And a frosty little pasture full of frosty little flocks.
     It was all touched in so lightly
     And it glittered, oh, so whitely,
That I gazed and gazed in wonder at the lovely painted pane;
     Then the sun rose high and higher
     With his wand of golden fire
Till, alas, my picture vanished and I looked for it in vain!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Making Tracks

We spotted a few tracks the other day while taking a walk...

 Sandhills Crane



Raccoon and coyote (or dog)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Funny Feet

Good Morning Everyone!  I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  As I was looking through my photos the other day, I noticed I had a few that included feet - yes, feet.  There is just something funny about kids feet.  Have you ever looked at them?  Just take notice from time to time.  Their shoes and the way they stand are simply cute and innocent.  Well, innocent can be questionable with some children of course!  :)  Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
I think we have a couple of Jethro Bodines here...

 Wait a minute...did you put your shoes on by yourself this morning?  Well, at least they are on the correct feet.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Weather + Time.
Color in the Autumn of West Texas.  

Ah...the beauty of Mesquite...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Flight of the Monarchs

Beautiful butterflies explode into the sky in quiet chaotic flight as our soles stroll through the grass.